Inaugural New Zealand Explorers Club Event

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Written by Sarah Bouckoms

20 July 2019 was an auspicious day, celebrating the Apollo 11 moon landing and the 100th birthday of Sir Edmund Hillary. An ideal day to host the first official New Zealand based Explorers Club event. We had 120 people filling into the recently restored Great Hall – a very fitting location for the celebration of exploration.  We toasted to Sir Ed, ‘the greatest kiwi that ever lived’ and also the honorary president of The Explorers Club. Our guest speaker, also a club member, was Tim Jarvis. He spoke of his Shackleton Epic which inspired even many savvy Antarcticans in the room. His tales recounted the process of gaining sponsors, picking team members, and preparing to replicate Shackleton’s 36 hour crossing of South Georgia. When questioned about the differences between Shackleton’s trip and his own, Tim responded “That the difference was not in our gear, as we used no modern clothing, but the fact that Shackleton was trying to save his men from Antarctica while I am trying to save Antarctica from Man”.

Tim talked on the connections with Christchurch from Scott and Shackleton leaving from Lyttelton Port and Frank Worsely, Shackleton’s navigator being a local from Akaroa. If not for Worsely, Shackleton never would have made the boat journey from Elephant Island to South Georgia.  Modern day explorers also come through as the American, New Zealand, Korean, and Italian National Antarctic programmes all leave from Christchurch. All these connections make Christchurch a strong point to grow the New Zealand sector.

We also had Explorers Club members Anthony Powell and Sarah Bouckoms present. Sarah was able to announce the upcoming Explorers Club Polar Film Festival to be held in Christchurch this September. This is the first time it will show outside of Headquarters. Other highlights of the evening include a specially addressed video from Apollo 11 astronaut Fred Haise. NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy: SOFIA, had many scientists and pilots in our audience as well as the New Zealand Space Agency and Space Base. There were drinks, nibbles and great discussions amongst new and old friends. Christchurch looks forward to hearing from members within New Zealand and Australia.

Sarah Bouckoms has been appointed the official New Zealand coordinator. As a Co-Chair along side Milbry Polk and Stefan Kindberg, Sarah will be bringing The Explorers Club Polar Film Festival to Christchurch in September. If you are interested in coming to an event or speaking, get in touch with Sarah  –


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