Evening of Adventure Highlights: Sophie Hollingsworth & Justin Jones 1 March 2018

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On Thursday 1 March 2018, ANZEC members and guests enjoyed another incredible ‘Evening of Adventure’ in Sydney, facilitated at our HQ “The Boat House” in Balmoral. With the staff at the Boat House handling all our needs, the ANZEC team were able to handle our 74 members and guests with ease.

This was the first event for ANZEC for 2018, you can expect three more events in Sydney and two events in Melbourne this year.

We had two pioneering adventures presenting at the event, the ‘Explorers Club New Explorer of the Year’ Captain Sophie Hollingsworth and ‘Australian Geographic Adventurer of the Year’ Justin Jones.


What’s left to Explore? By Sophie Hollingsworth

Sophie Hollingsworth presented “What’s left to Explore?”. With the world’s tallest peaks climbed and the depths of the ocean reached, what is left to explore? Sophie explained that today, exploration is about increasing our knowledge and understanding of the world we live in. We all face the same challenges: food, water, and shelter. Yet given the common challenges, the range of cultural adaptation is extraordinary. Based on adventures and misadventures in remote regions of the Earth, Sophie celebrated the diversity of the world’s most remote cultures.

Watch Sophie’s Presentation here

Heading Outback: A Family Adventure. By Justin Jones

In an inspiring presentation Justin Jones explained how he and his wife Lauren, both modern day adventurers, believe that you shouldn’t have to choose between having a family life and an adventurous life. Justin explained how he and his wife value experiences over possessions, and even with their toddler daughter Morgan shares a love for adventure, nature, travel and just enjoy getting outside. In 2017, Lauren, Morgan and Justin walked over 1600km over 102 days from the centre of Australia to the coast. As a family they crossed over some of Australia’s more extreme terrain with the aim to live more consciously and connect to the Australian country.

Welcome New Members

We would like to welcome three new members to ANZEC: Kasimir Zierl, Gina Lednyak and Helen M. Ahearn. Kasimir Zierl, a skilled documentary filmmaker, has already been appointed on the Executive Committee as our Webmaster and Chapter Video Journalist.


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