The Secret Life of Whales by Micheline Jenner
Marine Biologist Micheline Jenner AM along with her husband Curt Jenner AM, details their discovery of humpback whale breeding grounds off the Kimberley coast, her by-chance swim through orange golfball-sized pygmy blue whale poo to uncover a feeding spot and how they luckily witnessed the birth of a humpback whale calf.
In The Secret Life of Whales she reveals the unknown world of these giants of the deep and shares insights from her work with humpback, blue and pygmy blue whales, taking us from Australia to Antarctica and beyond.
Enlightening and eye-opening, The Secret Life of Whales reveals fascinating information about how whales live, tapping into Jenner’s world-leading research and infectious enthusiasm for these magnificent creatures.
The Secret Life of Whales is available through NewSouth Books, Google Books, booktopia, Dymocks, the bookdepository, goodreads, UNSW press, Angus & Roberston, QBD Books and ebay. You could use the publisher NewSouth Books as the main one, but they all work!