Venomous Reptiles & Their¬ Toxins by Bryan G. Fry

A comprehensive study of the chemical and biological properties of reptile venom.

Bryan G. Fry is an associate professor of biology and group leader of the Venomics Laboratory at the University of Queensland, Australia.

Chapter 1. The origin and evolution of the Toxicofera reptile venom system; Chapter 2. Signs, symptoms and treatment of envenomation; Chapter 3. Antivenom research and development; Chapter 4. Ineffective traditional and modern techniques for the treatment of snakebite; Chapter 5. Maintaining venomous animal collections: protocols and occupational safety; Chapter 6. Veterinary care of venomous reptiles; Chapter 7. Research methods; Chapter 8. Three finger toxins (3FTx); Chapter 9. Beta-defensins; Chapter 10. Cysteine-rich secretory proteins (TV-CRiSP); Chapter 11. Exendin peptides; Chapter 12. Factor Va proteins (TV-fVa); Chapter 13. Factor Xa enzymes (TV-fXa); Chapter 14. Kallikrein enzymes (TV-kallikrein); Chapter 15. Kunitz peptides (TV-kunitz); Chapter 16. L-amino acid oxidase enzymes (TV-LAAO); Chapter 17. Lectin peptides (TV-lectin); Chapter 18. Lizard venom B-type natriuretic peptides (LV-BNP); Chapter 19. Snake venom C-type natriuretic peptides (SV-CNP); Chapter 20. Group-I phospholipase A2 enzymes (TV-PLA2-GI); \Chapter 21. Group-II phospholipase A2 enzymes (TV-PLA2-GII); Chapter 22. Sarafotoxin peptides; Chapter 23. Snake venom metalloprotease enzymes (SVMP); Chapter 24. Lesser-known or putative reptile toxins; Chapter 25. Poisonous snakes and bacteria as a Komodo dragon weapon: which is a myth and which is reality?; Contributors; List of Abbreviations

ANZEC Member - Bryan G Fry

Welcome to my world. One filled with an obsession for venom. A passion I use as my fuel for scientific research into venom and antivenom. It is a life spent living and working with snakes. Lots of very, very toxic snakes and a myriad of other venomous creatures. Everything from the Malaysian king cobra to deadly scorpions. I am passionate about venomous animals, in all their glorious shapes and sizes. When asked what it’s like to live my childhood dream of working with these animals I like to quote from Calvin & Hobbes “‘I am obeying the inscrutable exhortations of my inner-most soul, and my mandate also includes weird bugs’. I graduated from the Portland State University Honours Program with a dual degree in Molecular Biology (BSc) and Scientific Philosophy (BA), with a minor in Psychology (BA) in 1995. I then completed a PhD from the University of Queensland in 2002 on the toxic natriuretic peptides present in taipan venoms, I am now an associate professor at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland where I am group leader of the Venom Evolution Laboratory. I have conducted field research in over 40 countries, from Norway to Antarctica and all points in between ranging from the Amazon basin to the Sindh desert of Pakistan. The field work is hazardous and things don't always go according to plan. But the perseverance in the scientific quests in the face of such obstacles has led to me being inducted into the elite adventurer society The Explorers Club. My papers have been published in leading scientific journals such as Nature. In the popular press I have been featured nearly 100 documentaries on channels such as Animal Planet, BBC, Discovery Channel and National Geographic TV and written about in Wired, Cosmos, National Geographic in addition to numerous newspapers. I have written two books so far, the textbook 'Venomous Reptiles & Their Toxins' published by Oxford University Press and the extremely twisted memoir ‘Venom Doc’, Both of these books are infused with my passion for learning more about these toxic creatures I find so amazing.


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